Uganda Open Champion Peace Kabasweka Wins NCBA Golf Series

Entebbe, Uganda — Fresh from her recent victory at the Uganda Open, Peace Kabasweka secured another title Saturday when she won the latest NCBA Golf Series in Entebbe with a score of 76 gross.

John Basabosa won the men's category with 77 gross and Harriet Kitaka took the women's category with 83 gross, according to a statement from NCBA.

The event, was graced by Mark Muyobo, the CEO of NCBA. In his address, he extended his gratitude towards NCBA's partners such as World Navi, UBL, ICEA, among others, for their continuous support.

"Golf to us is a way in which we get communities to play together and that's why we sponsor. The winners have an opportunity to play in Sigona for the grand finale in December, fully sponsored by NCBA," said Muyobo.

Serwano Walusimbi, the captain of Entebbe Golf Club, thanked golfers for participating in the NCBA golf series.

"It's been a fun-filled day. We've seen several golfers aiming at the grand finale. Top four winners will be flown to Sigona for the NCBA grand finale in Nairobi," he said, adding "We've had an interesting mode which was the yellow ball that is a moneyball and we are ready to award the winners of this ball."

The inaugural golf series was launched in 2021 and continued for the 2nd year in 2022 by hosting 2 tournaments in Uganda and more than 15 in Kenya.

The golf series includes the Junior Golf Series tournaments in partnership with U.S. kids golf which sees over 300 junior golfers representing over 13 nationalities play to secure opportunities to play in the Rome classic tournament in Italy and the big five South African Tournament.


Overall Winner: Peace Kabasweka - 76 gross

Top Performers (Gross)


Winner: John Basabosa - 77 gross

Runners-up: Twinemanzi Tumubwene - 81 gross


Gross Winner: Harriet Kitaka - 83 gross

Gross Ruunners-up: Gloria Mbaguta - 84 gross

Top Performers (Nett)


Winner: Henry Ssali - 62 nett


Winner: Dorothy Nabirye - 64 nett

Other Categories

Staff Winner: Moses Mukiibi - 89 gross

Juniors Winner: Shaka Kariisa - 87 gross

NCBA Guest Winner: Rhoda Kimera - 70 nett

Winning Team

Robert Busingye

Richard Lutwama

Anne Abeja

Peace Kabasweka

Longest Drive

Men: Alexander Kasendwa

Ladies: Peace Kabasweka

Nearest to the pin

Men: Darhil Shah

Ladies: Edrea Kagombe

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