Kenya: Omtatah Best Performing Senator With 59% Score - Infotrak

1 November 2023

Nairobi — A recent survey by Infotrak has ranked Okiyah Omtatah as the best performing Senator with a 59 percent rating.

According to the study, Omtatah was followed by his Kirinyaga counterpart Kamau Murang'o and Aaron Cheruiyot (Kericho) who both tied at 56 percent.

Others who made it to the list of top 25 performing senators in the country include Dan Maanzo (Makueni) with 52 percent, John Methu (Nyandarua ) and Joel Nyutu (Murang'a ) both tying at 51 percent.

The research firm also ranked the top 25 most performing Women representatives and members of the County Assembly (MCA)s across all the 47 counties ,290 constituencies and 1450 wards, however there was no rating for Nominated senators ,Women representatives and MCAs.

The research survey conducted between July and September 2023 showed only County governors performed above the average of 50 percent according to the perception of 58,000 Kenyans sampled during the survey.

"Senators and Women Representatives got a mean score of 46 and 42 percent respectively which is below average but at least MCAs reached half of the scale attaining 50 percent," the survey stated.

The survey also observed that both 2nd and 3rd Term senators seemed to perform well but female senators stood out and were featured in the top level of the top 25 best performing senators.

"Female senators in top 25 ranking are Machakos Senator Anges Kavindu and Fatuma Dullo from Isiolo County who scored 47 and 46 percent respectively," it indicated.

Busia Senator Okiya Omtatah also led the pack of the top 10 most improved senators followed by John Methu(Nyandarua) and Kamau Murang'o (Kirinyaga).

Senator Omtatah pulled his region County Busia from position 42 in 2020 to first position in 2023.

First time Turkana county Women Representative Cecilia Ngitit and Jane Njeri (Kirinyaga) were ranked as the best performing both tying at 50 percent followed closely by Homabay Women representative Bensuda Joyce Atieno with 49 percent.

The top 10 list of most improved Women representatives was drawn from Turkana, Trans Nzoia, Embu,Kericho,Mombasa,Kiambu, Elgeyo- Marakwet ,Kisii ,Uasin Gishu and Mandera counties.

For Members of the County Assembly Nyeri county topped the list of the consolidated MCAs ranking of the top 25 performing MCAs with average score of 57 percent followed by Elgeyo-Marakwet ,Nyandarua,Machakos, Homabay and Murang'a counties both tying at 55 percent.

Top 10 most Improved MCAs in 2023 were drawn from Homabay, Murang'a, Nyandarua, Narok, Kiambu, Nyeri, Trans Nzoia, Taita Taveta, Mandera, Kitui, Bungoma, Baringo and Kirinyaga counties.

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