Kenya: Another Mugumo Tree Falls in Meru County Amidst Political Tensions

5 November 2023

Nairobi — Another ancient Mugumo tree has fallen in the Kinoru neighborhood of Meru County, marking the second tree to fall in this area within two weeks.

The revered Mugumo tree is deeply significant to the Agikuyu community and is often associated with sacred traditions and rituals.

The Njuri Ncheke Council of Elders, while performing a cleansing ceremony on Saturday, linked the fall of this tree to the ongoing political leadership disputes within Meru County.

Josephat Murangiri, the Secretary General of Njuri Ncheke, expressed his belief that the tree's fall might signify an impending change in the county's administration. He stated, "When a Mugumo Tree falls, it is coming for a leadership or a leader. It doesn't fall for no reason. We all know that Meru has a problem. Some leaders who want development have agreed that the leadership in Meru is not good. The leader should go."

Antony Kimathi, a leader of Njuri Njeke, called upon the Senate to consider their request and provide an opportunity for the selection of leaders who will best serve the interests of the Meru people.

The Mugumo tree, a sacred symbol for the Agikuyu community, is believed to be a dwelling place for ancestor spirits and a conduit between the physical world and the spiritual realm. For years, it has been used as a place of worship and sacrifice, with locals believing that the tree is owned by God, and the spirit of God resides there.

Meru County has recently witnessed leadership disputes, with notable county leaders at odds with each other. Area Governor Kawira Mwangaza is set to appear before the Senate for a second time after being impeached by the Members of County Assembly (MCAs).

On October 25, 59 out of 69 MCAs voted in favor of Governor Mwangaza's second impeachment motion. The governor will now face the Senate plenary to determine her fate.

Notably, the Senate chose the plenary route to probe the allegations against Governor Mwangaza after a motion to establish an 11-member panel to investigate her impeachment was defeated.

Senators emphasized that the plenary process would ensure transparency in addressing the matter. Senator Narok Senator Ledama Ole Kina highlighted that impeachment is a rigorous process that requires careful consideration.

The members selected to sit on the Committee had included Boni Khalwale, Jackson Mandago, Karungo Thangwa, Esther Okenyuri, Ali Roba, Peris Tobiko, Enock Wambua, Abdul Haji, Okiya Omtatah, Crystal Asike, and Shakila Abdala. They were tasked with reviewing the charges against Governor Mwangaza.

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