Kenya: CS Kindiki Says Security Beefed Up in Meru to Deal With Cattle Rustlers

6 November 2023

Nairobi — Interior Cabinet secretary Kithure Kindiki has assured that security has been beefed up by setting more security camps of the Anti Stock Theft Unit (ASTU) in Meru County to fight cattle rustlers.

Speaking in Igembe North constituency after holding a security review meeting with the region security heads led by Eastern Regional Commissioner Paul Rotich,Kindiki has said the General Service Unit (GSU) special forces have also been set up in the area following reports of repeated livestock theft by armed criminals.

"Bacause of the challenge we have had here of cattle rustling and banditry in the northern parts of Meru,President William Ruto issued directives to make sure we eradicate banditry attacks,"He said.

Cs Kindiki has stated that despite efforts and measures put in place to enhance security in the region bandits have occasionally succeeded unfortunately leading to the loss of lives and injury of police police officers,affirming that security agencies will escalate the fight against cattle rustlers.

"We have made some steps but still we have continued to experience attacks but there is no two way about it!Kenya must succeed in eradicating banditry,"He revealed.

The interior CS further commended security officers who have diligently and courageously faced the armed criminals and recovered a substantial amount of the stolen livestock.

Government increased security camps of specialized police units in the region to seal places and corridors where bandits have been passing through.

It also commenced training of 140 additional National Police Reservists (NPR) to enhance security in the region.

Kindiki stated that Security operations must be depoliticized, sending stern warnings to those who incites, finances or plans banditry and livestock rustling.

"Any political leader who uses politics to complicate war against banditry legal action will be taken against them irrespective of their political persuasion or influence.We will be very ruthless !It is time to isolate and eliminate this bloody thirsty criminals they have tormented our people for a very long time," Kindiki stated.

Among those present in the security meeting include members of the Eastern Regional Security and Intelligence Committee, Meru County and Mutuati Sub-county Security and Intelligence teams and the local commanders of ASTU, and GSU .

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