Ethiopia: University, AUC to Redouble Efforts On Value-Addition

ADDIS ABABA-Addis Ababa Science and Technology University (AASTU) and the African Union Commission (AUC) devised the way out to leverage research and developments to strengthen the regional value chain for commodities.

Speaking at the workshop held yesterday, AASTU Research and Technology Transfer Vice President Abraham Debebe (PhD) said the university is working with the AUC to realize the benefits of the continent through skill development, entrepreneurship and technology innovation pillars.

The vice president also called for investment that would help to translate research findings and innovations in the area into practice instead of keeping them on the shelves. "We are focusing on one to one alignment as the university is developing its center of excellence and resource sharing including funding to ensure our mutual benefit."

As to him, the university is dedicated towards achieving the commodity strategy via skills and development areas. Besides, there is a transition from longstanding commodity export to value addition.

It was also indicated that the strategy advocates the efficient supply of raw materials as well as intermediate and finished products under the African Continental Free Trade Area.

Industry, Minerals and Entrepreneurship Director at the AUC, Chiza Charles on his part said the strategy would help Africa to tap its rich potential in minerals, agriculture, construction and others. "The commodity is highly valuable to convert these raw materials with research-based innovations and vale addition would bring valuable income from the international market."

Moreover, it helps create more market linkages among industries, the private sector and experts in the area. Hence, the university is exerting its utmost efforts towards creating all rounded linkages and this is a huge milestone and needs to be further enhanced globally,

As people undertake value addition, it is central to propel this to create more jobs and to uplift people from poverty and ensure prosperity across the African continent, the director stressed.



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