Kenya: CS Kuria Sparks Controversy Over Disparaging Remarks to Senators on Mwangaza Impeachment

8 November 2023

Nairobi — Public Service Cabinet Secretary Moses Kuria says he stands in solidarity with embattled Meru governor Kawira Mwangaza whose fate will be determined on today following her impeachment hearing before the Senate.

Cs Kuria further called out senators Aaron Cheruiyot (Kericho) , Jackson Mandago (Uasin Gishu) , Hillary Sigei (Bomet) ,Alexander Mundigi (Embu) , Samson Cherargei (Nandi) ,Seki Lenku (Kajiado), Fatuma Dullo (Isiolo) , Abdul Haji (Garissa) , Kamau Murango (Kirinyaga) ,Wahome Wamatinga (Nyeri), Kathuri Murungi (Meru),Enock Wambua (Kitui) and Moses Kajwang' (Homabay) stating they are being misled.

"Stop it! You can see from the evidence that you are being misled. At this age and time a sane person can depend on the affidavit of one Salesio Mutuma Thuranira and hope to impeach a Governor?"Kuria questioned.

CS Kuria has been defending Governor Mwangaza despite her facing a second impeachment motion to kick her out of office.

"I have studied carefully the issues presented against Governor Kawira certainly not a ground for Impeachment,"Kuria said.

On Tuesday governor Mwangaza pleaded not guilty to seven charges raised against her by Meru Members of the County Assembly (MCA) s during Senate impeachment hearing.

Mwangaza is facing charges including misappropriation and misuse of county resources, nepotism and related unethical practices.

She is also facing accusations of illegal appointments, contempt of court, illegally naming a public road after her husband and contempt of the assembly.

Mwangaza is further accused of bullying, vilifying and demeaning other leaders, making illegal appointments and usurping statutory powers.

The senators will either vote to uphold her second impeachment as per the Meru County Assembly motion or dismiss the charges against her.

Mwangaza was first impeached by Meru (MCA)s in December 2022, just three months after her taking over the governor's office however, she was rescued by the senate who called off her impeachment motion due to lack of proper evidence.

Governor Mwangaza through her lawyers will be given time to defend herself against the charges levelled against her where thereafter the senate plenary will deliberate on the accusations and vote on her case.

The Meru county Boss was impeached for the second time in October after 59 MCAs who attended the impeachment sitting voted in favour of the ouster bid where 10 ward representatives skipped the sitting.

Kawira Mwangaza was elected as Meru County Governor on August 9, 2022.

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