Uganda: How Museveni Goes Is More Important Than Museveni Leaving

8 November 2023

We live in very interesting times and of late and I am not even sure many understand the gravity of what we are faced with.

Perhaps we could even say what has been forced upon us is deeper than what many can fathom.

In the world of philosophy there lives, and has lived an age old debate on what is most important: the means to the end, or the end in and of itself?

This is where the whole idea of the end justifying the means come into play unfortunately.

Proponents of this reckless and unfortunate view suggest that once you have a great end in sight, it does not matter how you get to that great end: means. I am not about to buy into this view for a society like ours and here is why.

Permit me to use a very graphic illustration because by using it I am sure I shall make my case clear even to the most stubborn.

What makes rape a crime and yet it has a desirable end as sex? Why isn't consensual sex a crime then? Rape is a crime only because there is a very distasteful means to a great end sex! Consensual sex is not a crime because the means to the end are acceptable and good.

In the same way stealing is a crime because the how of getting to income or whatever it is are faulty.

Aside from the means to income for family, what wrong is with the end of corruption? Look, the corrupt have very good legitimate intentions for the monies they acquire through a very questionable means.

This is why for me means to an end is not a very trivial matter that we can ignore and brush aside unless off course one does not understand the gravity of the challenge upon us in these times.

Having said this and perhaps having had some agree with me on the vital importance of means in matters end I can now get into what I needed to address. If our end is to get better governance if we are lucky during these NRM times or if we are unlucky after this NRM government, we have to be very careful and deliberate how we address the issues we have with the NRM management of Uganda.

If we argue that what is most important right now is to get rid of Mr. Museveni and his government we lose a massive point. For me how we get to such an end is most important. I believe that most of the challenges of this government are down to how they came here or if you may how they got rid of the government before them.

When you have fought together in a protracted struggle, you owe each other so much because of what you've been through. There are people who can get away with anything because of their contribution to the struggle! I have seen this and appreciated it. Afande Kyaligonza will do as he pleases because he is Kyaligonza. The Commander in Chief knows and so does Gen. Matayo that man.

This is the reason why I don't want another government here that is a product of a struggle. We shall have another group in power that has generated many untouchables.

I want you to imagine President Kyagulanyi Sentamu in state house Entebbe and Hon. Nyanzi as the Prime Minister. What can the president do if money is lost in the OPM? Would the president sanction the arrest and subsequent imprisonment of his brother and comrade in the struggle? What would society say about a man who jails his own brother? Is our society that mature?

These are the questions we need to answer very candidly as a nation.

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