Rwanda: Dancer Titi Brown Acquitted, Court Rules Out Damages Payment

10 November 2023

The Nyarugenge Intermediate Court on November 10 acquitted dancer Thierry Ishimwe, known as Titi Brown, of defilement charges.

According to the verdict, the court determined that a victim named M.J., had been raped and later became pregnant. However, the decision to acquit Ishimwe was reached due to the absence of concrete evidence beyond M.J.'s testimony to conclusively link Ishimwe to the rape and pregnancy.

The verdict states that the court considers the victim's testimony insufficient as the sole evidence to rely upon, as there is no additional corroborating evidence. This doubt in the absence of supporting evidence works in favor of the accused's defense. Ishimwe was acquitted, and an immediate release was ordered.

In the meantime, the court also ruled that no damages would be paid in this case. Ishimwe's lawyers previously sought compensation from the victim's family. They pointed out that Ishimwe has an estimated monthly income of around Rwf2 million and therefore requested Rwf44 million as compensation for the potential earnings he may have lost since his arrest.

Ishimwe had been detained since 2021, following accusations of sexual assault and impregnating a 17-year-old girl. It later came to light that she had undergone an abortion, being a minor.

Throughout the trial, Ishimwe consistently pleaded not guilty, contending that the girl visited his home solely to inspect a dance studio he was preparing to open. He maintained that she did not enter his house, and he denied any allegations of sexual assault or responsibility for her pregnancy.

The prosecution presented evidence including a video depicting the alleged victim and Ishimwe together in a living room at the dancer's residence. A psychological evaluation conducted by an expert clinical psychologist indicated that the victim suffered from depression as a result of the ordeal.

Moreover, the prosecution had previously emphasized the collection of a DNA sample before the victim got an abortion, intending to compare it with Ishimwe's DNA. However, it was revealed during the trial that the medical report indicated a discrepancy--there was no match between the two DNA samples.

Before his arrest, Ishimwe was a prominent figure in the local music and entertainment industry. He featured in numerous music videos and was known for his contributions to choreography in the sector.

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