Kenya: Irrigation PS Kimotho Leads Govt Officials, Community Leaders in Kajiado Tree Planting Exercise

13 November 2023

Kjiado — In a concerted effort to address environmental concerns and combat the effects of climate change, the Principal Secretary of the State Department for Irrigation, Kimotho Kimani took an active role in mobilizing and sensitizing the Kajiado South community for a tree planting initiative over the weekend during in an event that rained heavily in Kajiado South.

The event took place at Olkilority Primary School in Loitokitok Sub County, where Mr.

Kimotho passionately encouraged the local community to actively participate in planting, nurturing, and growing trees. Emphasizing the present and future benefits of such initiatives, he stressed the critical role trees play in climate change mitigation.

During his address, Mr. Kimotho highlighted the ongoing efforts of the Ministry of Water, Sanitation, and Irrigation in developing water pans, sinking boreholes, and constructing dams.

These infrastructural projects aim to facilitate agroforestry practices, aligning with

the national goal of planting 15 billion trees by the year 2032.

"The government is taking the issues of climate change very seriously and that's why the collaborative work by both the national government and the county governments will highlight the importance of planting trees for many generations to come. We have to start implementing strategies of embracing green energy and climate change as one ecosystem that will change and conserve our environment", said PS Kimotho.

Accompanying PS Kimotho were officials such as Joel K. Tanui, Deputy CEO of the

National Irrigation Authority, Engineer Joseph Karangu, Paul Ariemba, Professor Peter Kagwanja of the Mustard Seed Green Foundation, and Honorable Samuel Parashina, Member of Parliament for Kajiado South.

Ruku Geoffrey Kiriga, Member of Parliament for Mbeere South in Embu

County, also participated, emphasizing the collaborative nature of such initiatives that transcend regional boundaries.

The event successfully brought together leaders from diverse sectors, fostering a

collective sense of responsibility toward environmental conservation. As tree planting initiatives gain momentum across the nation, the endeavors in Kajiado South stand as a testament to the collective commitment to securing a greener and more sustainable future for generations to come.

The weekend event came ahead of today's national tree planting day scheduled to take place across all the 47 counties in an effort by the government to address the climate change by planting about 15 Billion trees by the year 2030.

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