Malawi Trade Unions to Engage Govt, Employers Over Pay Rise Following Kwacha Fall

14 November 2023

Officials from the Malawi Congress of Trade Union MCTU say they are engaging the government and other employers to increase salaries of their employees following the 44 per cent depreciation of the Kwacha.

This comes as Malawi joins the rest of the world in commemorating day for decent work under the theme "ensuring decent work, dignity and respect for all".

Charles Kumchenga, President for MCTU said workers in the country, both in the public and private sector have been hit hard by the unprecedented devaluation of the Kwacha which has triggered the rise in cost of living as the cost of goods and services have drastically gone up.

On the commemoration of the day for decent work, Kumchenga said the country is still lagging behind to achieve decent work as cases of failing to meet minimum wages and sexual harassment continue to occur.

Kumchenga added that they will start engaging authorities including government officials so that decent work is achieved.

Meanwhile, Patience Matandiko, Technical Officer Social Protection for ILO Malawi Field Office expressed delight with decent work agendas which the government is working on to improve the working standards.

And on his part, George Chilonga Principal Labour Officer in the Ministry of Labour said as government they are working around the clock to improve working conditions for employees.

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