Kenya: Coca Cola, Child Fund Conclude Sh150 Million Waste Management Project

14 November 2023

Airobi — The Ksh150 million waste management project by ChildFund and Coca Cola in Nairobi's Mukuru informal settlement has been concluded after delivering economic empowerment and a cleaner environment.

The one-year Tunawiri na Taka waste management program implemented in Kayaba, Fuata Nyayo and Lunga Lunga areas sought to enhance economic activities of women and youth in Mukuru while contributing to creating a healthy and clean physical environment.

The project equipped over 400 women and youth aged between 18 and 35 years with entrepreneurial skills, personal protective gear and waste management tools and equipment.

Speaking at the project closeout event in Mukuru Kayaba, ChildFund Kenya Country Director Alice Anukur hailed Coca Cola for supporting waste management in Nairobi, which has a rapidly growing population of over 4.3 million and is among leading African cities with increasing waste generation.

She said Tunawiri na Taka Project impacted Mukuru by ensuring access to ready market for plastic waste for the youth groups and strengthened partnership with waste management partners.

It also promoted the participation of children in environmental conservation through environmental clubs and the collaboration with local administration.

Tunawiri na Taka, loosely translates to Thriving Through Waste Management, worked to improve informal waste management structures by engaging women and youth in income generating activities through plastic waste management.

Due to lack of access to adequate sanitation and sewerage facilities, the absence of waste management structures with solid waste being dumped on sidewalks and open spaces, Mukuru residents constantly suffer from public health and environmental hazards.

Women and youth are most affected since they have limited economic opportunities.

The Coca Cola and ChildFund Kenya project has improved knowledge and capacity of over 500 residents on waste collection, sorting and recycling/reuse.

Anukur said the waste-management project has sensitized over 25,000 families on proper waste collection and disposal.

It collected and properly disposed of over 2 tonnes of waste, and worked with the community to plant over 10,000 tree seedlings.

She said the partners were leaving behind a community that is environment- conscious and one that will work collaboratively to maintain a clean environment and counter the effect of climate change.

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