Kenya: CS Chirchir Says Ann Njeri Forged Documents in Sh17 Billion Oil Saga

16 November 2023

Nairobi — Energy Cabinet Secretary Davis Chirchir says Ann Njeri Njoroge forged documents as she tried to lay claim to 93,000 metric tonnes of diesel from Saudi Arabia.

In what appears to further deepen the mystery, Chirchir in a heavily worded statement said Ann's Import and Export Enterprises Limited has never been licensed to import oil.

Chirchir revealed that Ann's recent attempt to apply for a license through Energy and Petroleum Regulatory Authority online portal was declined after she failed to meet certain key requirements.

"Ann's Import and Export Enterprises Limited is therefore not licensed to import petroleum into Kenya as required under Section 74(1)(a) of the Petroleum Act 2019 and cannot therefore claim to have imported a diesel cargo into the country onboard MT Haigui," read the statement by Chirchir in part.

Ann who claims to be the real owner of the Sh17 billion consignment went missing last week n Thursday moments after recording a statemnt at the DCI headquarters only to re-surafce on Tuesday.

Chirchir in the statement added that Anne's company had not signed the Open Tendering Systems Agreement as required by the law.

Chirchir stated that the true importer of the oil consignment in question is Aramco Trading Fujairah FZE through Galana Energies Limited after furnishing the Energy ministry with the required documents for the Open Tendering Systems Agreement and was served with an injunction with a claim of the diesel onboard MT Haigui by Ann's company.

Ann who claims to be the real owner of the Sh17 billion oil went missing last week Thursday moments after recording a statement at the DCI headquarters only to resurface on Tuesday flanked by her lawyer Cliff Ombeta narrating a harrowing ordeal on the hands of what she says were kidnappers.

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