Uganda: Speaker Among Slams KCCA Over Selective Road Repairs

16 November 2023

Anita Among, the Speaker of Parliament, has expressed her dissatisfaction with the selective road repairs carried out by the Kampala Capital City Authority (KCCA).

She called upon the KCCA leadership to prioritise fixing all roads and potholes across the city instead of solely rehabilitating those that will facilitate the movement of dignitaries attending the Non-Allied Movement (NAM) conference.

During the plenary sitting on Wednesday, November 15, 2023, Among criticised KCCA's approach to road repairs, highlighting the preference given to roads leading to venues and hotels hosting the NAM conference in January 2024.

"While I commend KCCA for its commitment to improving the physical state of the city, I have noticed that most of the ongoing road works are intended for the upcoming international conferences and meetings," she said.

Among emphasised that KCCA should not limit its efforts to giving Kampala a temporary facelift for foreign visitors but should also extend its scope to ensure the safety and well-being of Ugandans who live and work in the city on a daily basis.

"There is a need for KCCA to comprehensively expand the coverage of road repairs in order to achieve the beautiful Kampala that we all aspire to. Considering the inconveniences caused to road users during these roadworks, I urge KCCA to expedite their completion within the agreed specifications and the available budgetary resources," she said.

Last month, KCCA issued a notice advising residents and commuters to plan their journeys ahead of time due to the road improvement and drainage system overhaul project.

This decision came after numerous complaints and a social media campaign highlighting the deteriorating road network in Kampala, characterised by deep potholes and flooding.

Among assured the legislature's support in ensuring that Kampala receives the desired facelift for the benefit of city residents and visitors.

She also urged the executive and local authorities to strengthen their physical planning function to ensure sustainable long-term planning for public infrastructure in all cities and municipalities.

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