Uganda: 'Inflation' Hits Moroto As Marriage Celebrants Flock Night Clubs, Drain Beer Reserves

13 November 2023

The union of Logira Benson from Abim and Akol Anjella from Nabilatuk in a traditional marriage inadvertently led to inflation in Moroto.

The celebration over the weekend attended by hundreds of revelers from across Karamoja, caused a sudden surge in demand for alcohol and food, depleting beer supplies and prompting increased prices at popular night hangouts.

As the clock struck 11pm, revelers who were in Lorengedwat marriage venue retreated to Moroto flooding night hangout joints, creating an unprecedented demand for beverages.

By midnight, some bars were forced to close their doors due to exhausted supplies. The crowd then shifted their attention to Sports Club, WAGA and Strikers, the three prominent nightclubs in Moroto, resulting in a substantial increase in demand.

Bar attendants swiftly responded to the heightened demand by raising beer prices. This unexpected surge in prices left many patrons discontented.

Lokol John from Kakolye expressed his frustration, stating, "I came to the club with 15,000, expecting to have a blast as usual, but guess what? I could only afford two beers. That's it."

Paul Longoli, another resident of Moroto, shared his dissatisfaction, revealing, "I couldn't afford beer yesterday; I resorted to sniffing empty bottles drunk by others. Life wasn't easy."

The marriage revelry inadvertently turned Moroto into a scene of both celebration and economic strain, with residents grappling with the unanticipated consequences of the ceremony

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