Uganda: Pomp, Colour As Minister Gen Katumba Wamala Launches Book

16 November 2023

Works and Transport Minister, Gen Edward Katumba Wamala has launched his autobiography, ENDURANCE; A Sure Shot To Victory" amid pomp and rave reviews by family members and friends at a function held at Hotel Africana in Kampala.

At the launch, Rotarian Stephen Mwanje described Gen Katumba as an efficient a man, not many can match.

"The general like many of us has got 24 hours but manages to do things that not many of us can manage to do... This shows how efficient he is," Mwanje said.

Not power drunk

As former US President, Abraham Lincoln said "nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power, this is not the case with Gen Katumba Wamala, according to Mwanje.

He told the audience that despite serving in the biggest positions in the army and police as the Chief of Defense Forces and Inspector General of Police, the highest positions in the Ugandan army and police respectively, Gen Katumba never got power drunk.

"The General has reached the top but power has never got onto his head."

Family man

Belinda Wamala, the daughter, described Gen Katumba as a family man that despite his busy schedule, he would find time to bond with his loved ones.

"Even when he was away from home for many months, he got time to return and be with us. He would devote that time for us and we always share memorable stories," Belinda told the audience.

The daughter said even when their dad was away for work, their mother filled that void.

"I think marrying the right partner was one of the best things that my dad did. Even when he was away, we didn't feel that we were lacking anything. She filled the void."

A true leader

Buganda's second deputy Prime Minister, Robert Wagwa Nsibirwa recalled the March, 16, 2010 fire that gutted and destroyed Kasubi tombs.

Nsibirwa said with tempers flaring, especially among the Baganda, Gen Katumba Wamala calmed the situation when he reached the fire scene in no time.

"We owe it to him for saving several lives during that incident. There were emotions and the Baganda thought anyone from government had something to do with the fire. The people were angry and wanted to lynch anyone in military attire but he calmed them. Gen Katumba showed love for his culture and nation and leadership inspired people to stop their emotions. I think if Gen Katumba didn't go to the tombs, many people would have died. What he did was an act of true leadership from him," Nsibirwa said.

The colour

Distinguished guests at the event included NRM Vice Chairman, Gen Salim Saleh who was following the function online, State Minister for Internal Affairs, Gen David Muhoozi, Ministry of Internal Affairs Permanent Secretary, Lt Gen Joseph Musanyufu, National Enterprises Corporation Managing Director, Lt Gen James Mugira, UPDF Chief Political Commissar, Lt Gen Henry Matsiko, and former CMI chief Brig Charles Bakahumura among the notables from the UPDF.

Others included the scouts fraternity led by Margie Kigozi, ICT Minister Joyce Ssebuggwawo, Police's AIGP Grace Akullo, AIGP Joseph Mugisa, AIGP Tom Magambo, Moses Kafeero, Fred Enanga, businessman Simon Ssekankya, the proprietor of Hardware World, Pastor Robert Kayanja, State Minister for Foreign Affairs, Henry Okello Oryem and Olive Lumonya, the Uganda Civil Aviation Deputy Director General among others.

Gifted instrumentalist, songwriter and a soulful performer Kenneth Mugabi serenaded the audience with his soul music on the colourful evening.

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