Botswana: Govt Develop Packages to Aid Resettlement

Mosolotshane — Government, through the Rural Development Council, will initiate and package programmes to assist Batswana who have been relocated from farms to villages, ensuring that they can transition smoothly into the new communities.

Addressing a kgotla meeting in Mosolotshane on November 18, President Dr Mokgweetsi Masisi emphasised the need for a comprehensive plan to aid the resettlement and adjustment process for individuals who have been moved from farms.

He further appealed to the receiving communities to extend their hospitality and integrate them into community.

President Dr Masisi said, "We must treat these people well and make them feel at home. Please, let's not subject them to slavery," expressing his dissatisfaction with current interventions aimed at facilitating their settlement.

The President highlighted the importance of a change in mindset within village communities to accept and embrace the new settlers with humility and love.

He encouraged the village leadership and all residents to voluntarily assist and welcome the relocating individuals with warmth.

While integrating the newcomers, the receiving communities have been urged to guide and teach them alternative means of livelihood without subjecting them to degrading conditions or hardships. President Masisi said, "Let's not pay them with food and worn-out clothes, while treating them as slaves."

Failure to integrate these new community members, according to President Masisi, would perpetuate poverty in the long run.

In addition, the President recognised the decline in volunteerism among Batswana over time. He called upon citizens to voluntarily support and educate the new members from farms, noting that the spirit of volunteerism was dwindling or perhaps even extinct.

President Masisi further said even Ipelegeng self-help program, had deviated from its original intentions.

He observed that beneficiaries were spending their working hours idling rather than contributing, leading to lack of results.

Consequently, he said government had come up with an improved version of Ipelegeng.

The new Ipelegeng , he said would see government, in partnership with the Construction Industry Trust Fund (CITF), empower beneficiaries to become self-employed through enhanced skill development.

On other issues, President Dr Masisi said that government would increase budget for various ministries such as agriculture, youth development fund, entrepreneurship, research and innovation.

The President also said government had plans for creative economy where infrastructure as performance centres, theaters and entertainment facilities would be built in stages.


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