Kenya: CS Wahome Says Govt Will Not Intervene in Planned Kirima Land Evictions

21 November 2023

Nairobi — Cabinet Secretary for Lands Alice Wahome has now ruled out the government intervention on the planned Njiru land evictions.

Speaking on Tuesday, Wahome urged the settlers to negotiate with the Kirima family who she acknowledge are the legitimate owners of the land or leave as per the court order that was issued.

"On 16th September 1967, Percy Everly transferred the property to Gerishon Kamau Kirima and Joan Gerishon Kirima who are the current registered owners of the LR no 6825/2 which measures 472.5 acres," she said.

"As a ministry, we have recieved alot of inquiries on if we can buy the land or settle people in the land. We have nonsuch plans, the land belongs to Kirima and the government has no claim on that land or any say in the matter."

Wahome added that the land was mortgaged to National and Grindlays Bank on 11th April 1969 for Sh150,000.

She added the second piece of land named LR No. 5908/8 measuring 507 acres was transferred to Gerishon Kamau Kirima and Joan Gerishon Kirima by Demico De Massi vide on 17th of June 1972.

"New grant IR 98744 was issued to Gerishon Kamau Kirima and Joan Gerishon Kirima upon expiry of the terms in 2003. The new term is for 99 years from 01.09.2003," she added.

"The members of the public are aware that the family has been in court with person's claiming to have tittle deeds to the land. The judgement has given a deadline for possession by Dec 31st."

The CS has however called on the members of the public to be cautious and avoid falling in the trap of people masquerading as owners of the land.

She urged them to engage with the family directly to avoid losing money in the name of securing the land.

"I take this opportunity to warn members of the public. Unless you've engaged the Kirima family directly, you risk falling into a trap," she added.

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