Uganda: NRM Claims Victory in 2026 Elections, Citing Fulfillment of Pledges, but Skepticism Lingers

21 November 2023

As the countdown to the 2026 general elections begins, the National Resistance Movement (NRM) is asserting confidence in securing another victory, attributing their potential success to the implementation of the parish development model (PDM) and Emyoga.

NRM Deputy Secretary General Rose Namayanjja insists that the party's strategic silence has been a calculated move, emphasizing that they have delivered on their promises with tangible results.

"We are a party that preaches rhetoric of action, and our pledges were fulfilled in PDM and Emyoga," Namayanjja declared confidently.

She highlights that over 10,000 parishes have benefited from these initiatives, including agricultural projects and the construction of schools, amounting to an investment of over 1 trillion shillings.

Namayanjja boldly claims, "No doubt the victory would be ours if the elections were held today."

However, political researcher Dr. Patrick Wakida challenges the NRM's assertion, questioning the correlation between the success of Emyoga and PDM and actual economic growth.

"We have not tested to prove by research if indeed Emyoga and PDM have boosted economic growth," Wakida remarks, suggesting that NRM's historical victories may have relied on factors beyond campaign manifestoes.

"NRM has always used security agencies to brutalize voters and engage in rigging. That is the reason their victory has always been challenged in court," Wakida asserts, casting doubt on the party's claims of widespread popularity.

While the NRM proudly showcases achievements in PDM and Emyoga, critics point to the state of roads in Kampala metropolitan as an area where the party has allegedly fallen short.

As the political landscape heats up in anticipation of the 2026 elections, the contrasting views on NRM's performance raise questions about the party's true standing among voters.

In this atmosphere of claims and scepticism, the ultimate verdict lies with the electorate, who will decide the fate of the nation in the upcoming elections.

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