Kenya: North Eastern MPs Want El-Nino Declared a National Disaster

23 November 2023

Nairobi — North Eastern region lawmakers have implored the government to declare the El Nino rains coupled with floods that has so far affected 2 million people a national disaster.

The leaders decried that the relentless rains have resulted in destruction of infrastructure, starvation and displacement of communities.

Dadaab Member of Parliament Farah Maalim expressed that the magnitude of displacement by the raging waters needs concerted efforts by the National and International Community.

"The government is missing out while it's people are suffering. This is the worst we have seen, even the National government can't cope with it alone," he said.

Eldas MP Adan Keynan said with the prevailing situation only assistance by the Kenya Defence Forces (KDF) and UN agencies have advanced mechanisms to avail assistance to the affected region.

Keynan noted the escalating flood crisis has marooned major Town and villages cutting off Wajir,Tana River,Marsabit and Mandera counties from humanitarian assistance.

"To make matters worse, apart from Wajir Airport, almost all the airstrips in the three counties in the region are non functional and completely shut operations," he said.

Mandera North MP Abdullahi Bashir accused the government of downplaying the humanitarian crisis which had been exacerbated by deplorable state of infrastructure.

Bashir pointed an accusing finger on Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua who is coordinating efforts to deal with the El-Nino rains emergency disaster response.

"We are urging the UN agencies to intervene because we can't watch our people die and the government is doing nothing,"

"The DP should visit the Northern region and see what's happening," said Bashir.

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