Uganda: Stephen Mubiru Presents Credentials As Uganda's Ambassador to Austria

24 November 2023

Stephen Mubiru has presented his credentials to Alexander Van der Bellen, the President of the Republic of Austria, officially accrediting him as Uganda's Ambassador to the Republic of Austria.

The ceremony took place at the Office of the President in Vienna, Austria . Amb. Mubiru expressed his gratitude to President Bellen for the warm reception accorded to him.

He further intimated the honour and privilege to have been appointed as the Ambassador of the Republic of Uganda to the Republic of Austria.

The ambassador conveyed salutations and best wishes from President Museveni to President Alexander Van der Bellen.

Amb. Mubiru, who was accompanied by Anne Mary Nyakato, Counsellor at the Uganda Embassy in Berlin, commended the excellent cordial bilateral relations that exist between Uganda and Austria.

He recalled the support Austria gave to the current president of Uganda in the drafting of the NRA 10 point programme in 1984 that formed a basis for achieving national wide coalition to promote sustainable socio-economic development and transformation.

Upon receiving the credentials, President Alexander Van der Bellen, welcomed and congratulated Mubiru upon his appointment as Uganda's ambassador to Austria.

President Bellen underscored the excellent cordial bilateral relations that exist between Austria and Uganda and wished Amb. Mubiru a successful tour of duty.

The two briefly deliberated on matters of bilateral interest for the mutual benefit of both countries.

Uganda and Austria established diplomatic relations on January, 26, 1966 when the Austrian ambassador to Uganda (resident in Nairobi) , Dr. F. Kudernatsch presented his credentials to then President Sir Edward Mutesa.

Uganda has been a priority country for Austrian Development Cooperation since 1992 and indeed, the development cooperation between the two countries remains vibrant.

Aligned to Uganda's Vision 2040 and the NDP III, the Austrian Development Cooperation (ADC) supports the priorities of the government of Uganda.

The priority areas of development cooperation in Uganda are "water and sanitation" and "access to justice", with a special focus on the needs of women as beneficiaries as well as on training / capacity building within these two priority areas.

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