Kenya: Kamburu Dam Overflow Imminent, Chirchir Urges Locals Downstream to Move to Higher Grounds

25 November 2023

Nairobi — Cabinet Secretary for Energy and Petroleum Davis Chirchir has warned of the imminent overflow of 1,006.5-metre deep Kamburu dam in Machakos County.

Chirchir said Saturday water levels in the dam have been rising by 0.7 meters per day due to the significant rainfall reported in recent weeks.

He asked locals living downstream to relocate to higher ground to avert possible danger.

"As of last night, Kamburu dam levels were at 1,005.82 meters above sea level against a maximum capacity of 1,006.50," he explained.

"We have witnessed a big jump this week at Kamburu, and we expect that we will be reaching the maximum levels either over the weekend or early next week should the water inflows remain as they are now," a statement issued by Kawi House read.


Chirchir also predicted that Masinga Dam, located in Machakos County, will fill up in about a week based on the rate at which the water levels at the two dams are rising.

"They are now rising at about 0.7 of a metre every day and that means that a dam like Masinga can take another seven days to fill. So, if these rains continue in seven days, we will see some spillage," he said.

Chirchir made the statement even as the government assured on Saturday that it has taken concrete measures, both short and long term, to address the effects of the ongoing El-Nino rains.

Speaking after presiding over an emergency meeting on El-Nino, Ruto called on the Ministry of Energy to liaise with counties to make sure citizens are informed and relocated early enough before dams overfall.

"We are informed that within the next week, some ofour dams will be full , therefore we need that information to be given to Kenyans so that if there will need to relocate some citizens downstream that should happen ahead of time," he said.

He said citizens should be informed on any possible mudslides to avert life losses.

President Ruto noted that the government was concerned with the loss of 70 lives in flood-related incidents with 36,160 households displaced so far.

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