Kenya: Natembeya Links Gachagua to Squabbles With His Deputy

27 November 2023

Nairobi — Trans Nzoia Governor George Natembeya has now linked Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua to the tussle between him and Deputy Governor Philomena Kapkory.

Natembeya blamed Gachagua for the raging war between them for months now saying Deputy President's visit to the region in August marked the beginning of the frosty relationship.

"My Deputy and I used to relate very well until the Deputy President visited the county sometime in August. I didn't attend because I wasn't invited. From that time she has become headed," he said.

Appearing before the Senate Devolution Committee inquiring on the matter, he revealed that the stroke that broke the camel's back when the Deputy Governor attended the United Nations General Assembly in New York without his approval.

Last week, Kapkory told Senators that her life was in danger alleging senior officers under the governor have directly threatened her life.

Natembeya termed the invite from the Devolution Principal Secretary suspect as its bypassed him with Kapkory the only Deputy Governor invited among five county bosses.

"I told her the invitation was unprocedural since it has to be done through the Governor. I told her that I don't see the immediate benefits of UNGA to TransNzoia County since the officers were being facilitated by the county," he said.

"I told her not travel but she decided to travel. Since UNGA ended I have been waiting for her to explain why she travelled without express approval," Natembeya added.

Natembeya dismissed allegations of tiff with his deputy as baseless and unfounded terming it as a ploy by her to seize power through impeachment.

The TransNzoia County Boss disclosed that ever since the UNGA summit there has been a breakdown of communication with his deputy.

He decried that the Deputy Governor had resorted to channel communication between them on social media.

"My Deputy believes that the National Government supervises the county government under the office of the Deputy President. That's where the problem is coming from," Natembeya noted.

Natembeya attributed the raging war between him and his Deputy to the power tussle in the quest to control TransNzoia County.

He alleged that the Deputy Governor is engaged in an ambitious plan to take over the leadership of TransNzoia County by impeaching him.

"She thinks that she can muscle the power that be to get me out of the way so that he can become the Governor. She know the easiest way is through impeachment since he can't have it through the ballot," noted Natembeya.

In the documents tabled before the committee, TransNzoia Deputy Governor stated that she had written to the Governor on 4th October 2023 to raise the issues of intimidation and threats to her personal security but it was ignored.

Natembeya however argued that security matters are outside his purview since security is not a devolved function.

"She thinks that am still the regional commissioner. I am the governor of TransNzoia County. The issues on her personal security is mere hot air. She should understand which functions are devolved," he said.

Natembeya dismissed allegations of nepotism and ethnic politics saying their fabricated stories aim at mudslinging him.

"The agenda is soil this guy as much as possible so that when he goes before the Senate, it will be easy for his downfall,"

National Cohesion and Integration Commission (NCIC) has summoned the Trans Nzoia Governor tomorrow over ethnic contempt against the minority Sabaot community.

In a statement on Monday, NCIC cited Natembeya for contravening Sections 13(1) and 62(1) of NCIC Act.

Natembeya is also accused of directing targeted hate messages towards his Deputy, Philomena Kapkory, who hails from the minority Sabaot community.

The summons follows grievances from members of the Sabaot community, alleging discrimination in employment and asserting that most opportunities favor dominant communities.

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