Uganda: A Transformative Move Towards a Cleaner and Safer Kampala

27 November 2023

Article by Obadia Ismail with help of A.I

In a sweeping initiative to revitalize the heart of Uganda's capital, Kampala City Council Authority (KCCA) has embarked on a groundbreaking city cleaning exercise, sending ripples of positive change through the urban landscape. The ambitious undertaking encompasses a multifaceted approach, ranging from physical planning and development control to the maintenance of law and order, and ensuring security within the city.

A Call to Action for Property Owners

KCCA is extending a call to property owners, urging them to take an active role in the city's transformation. In a bid to enhance the aesthetics of trading spaces, property owners are encouraged to engage in a thorough cleaning regimen, complemented by a fresh coat of paint on their buildings. Frontages should be well-maintained, green spaces trimmed, and the installation of security lighting is strongly advised. Moreover, property owners are urged to contribute to a cleaner environment by placing dust bins at all entrances.

Revamping Public Transport Practices

Public transport operators are not exempt from the transformative wave sweeping through Kampala. Commuter taxis, boda bodas, and cargo vehicles have been issued a stern directive to relocate from ungazetted stages. Additionally, operators are expected to abandon wrongful parking practices, which not only obstruct traffic but also contribute to the degradation of pavements.

A New Era for Urban Commerce

KCCA has set its sights on unapproved advertising tools, roadside kiosks, and shop extensions cluttering the city's visual landscape. These structures will be dismantled at the owner's expense, emphasizing KCCA's commitment to organized and regulated urban commerce. Vendors currently operating on road reserves are urged to relocate immediately to spaces within KCCA-gazetted markets.

Unblocking Drains for a Flood-Free Future

Structures impeding drainages and drainage service lanes are in the crosshairs of KCCA's enforcement drive. Property owners failing to remove these obstructions promptly will face removal at their own expense and potential prosecution. KCCA is unwavering in its commitment to mitigating flooding risks and ensuring a seamless flow for drainage systems within the city.

Balancing Entertainment with Civic Responsibility

Bars and entertainment venues are reminded to operate within the confines of the law concerning noise emission. Failure to comply with noise level regulations will result in the immediate withdrawal of operating licenses and the closure of premises. KCCA's move underscores a commitment to maintaining a balance between the city's vibrant entertainment scene and the peace and tranquility owed to its residents.

The division teams, spearheaded by dedicated Town Clerks, will conduct thorough house-to-house inspections starting December 1, 2023.

This ambitious project aligns with the Physical Planning Act of 2010, as amended, the National Environment Noise Standards & Control Regulations of 2003, and other relevant laws.

Enforcement is scheduled to commence on December 20, 2023, marking a significant step towards a more organized, clean, and vibrant Kampala. As the city undergoes this metamorphosis, KCCA invites all residents to actively participate in shaping the future of Uganda's capital.

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