Tanzania: Zanzibaris Asked to Corporate in Roads Construction Projects

ZANZIBAR: WITH increased traffic jams and delays on roads caused by the ongoing improvement of all roads in both urban and rural areas, the Minister for Infrastructure, Communications and Transport Dr Khalid Salum Mohamed has asked road users to remain patient because the government aims to have better roads in the near future.

"The government is aware of the inconveniences people are facing, but it is temporary because we hope to have the work done soon," said Dr Mohamed when he met and talked to residents of Unguja South District where contractors are busy with construction work.

He asked local leaders and other stakeholders to educate people about the ongoing project to improve all roads in the Islands. "The work has been going on well in most areas of Zanzibar," he informed the people of Makunduchi in the district.

The Minister highlighted that President Hussein Ali Mwinyi is fully committed to see that all roads in villages and urban areas are passable because it is important for economic growth.

He said that the Government has already completed the construction of some roads in the Unguja central district, and the work has now been moved to the Unguja South district.

Dr Khalid has explained that for the Unguja South district, roads earmarked for construction include Jambiani Kibigija - Jambiani Mfumbwi (5 km) , Muungoni Skuli - Pwani Duta (2-6 km) , Bwejuu Viamboni - Kwa lila (1.9 km) and Kajengwa Koba - Kina (6km).

The Member of House of Representatives for Makunduchi Constituency Mr Haro un Ali Suleiman thanked the Ministry and government for improving the roads.

Mr Suleiman who is the Zanzibar Minister for Constitution, Legal Affairs, Public Service, and Good Governance also asked people in the region to cooperate with contractors in the cause of implementing the project. More than 275 Kilometers of roads network is set to improve within the period of three years.

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