Kenya: Azimio Leaders Welcome High Court Ruling Declaring Housing Levy Unconstitutional

28 November 2023

Kisii — Azimio leaders led by wiper leader Kalonzo Musyoka have lauded the high court ruling declaring the housing levy under the financial Act(2023) unconstitutional which targeted salaried Kenyans excluding those in the formal sector.

Musyoka said the court's determination is a win for Azimio for they had emphasized that the financial bill is burdening Kenyans.

Speaking at Nyamache stadium, Kisii during Governor Simba Arati's thanks giving ceremony, he stated that taxes have made life more difficult making investors and businessmen to move to the neighboring countries.

Musyoka noted ,Kenyans are struggling with t taxes imposed on them and this has pushed people into committing suicide by just looking at the pay slip.

"This is a win for Azimio. We also want them to lower the fuel tax from 16 percent," he stated.

He noted Kenyans are tired of the high cost of living and stakeholders from different backgrounds including the church had raised their concerns of government levies.

Musyoka added that Kenyans have a right to peaceful demonstrations against the high cost of living.

"We had a meeting on bipartisan talks and we are going to give a report to Raila Odinga tomorrow," he said.

ODM leader Raila Odinga asked for registration of ID cards free of charge, this will give the youth opportunities including registering with ODM party for future political negotiations.

He has asked his supporters to come out in numbers and register as ODM members during this mass registration exercise.

"Registering as members will deepen the roots of ODM in this region and strengthen our party," said Odinga.

Homa Bay Governor Gladys Wanga the housing levy has relieved Kenyans and she applauded the court for reaching the determination.

Governor Wanga noted, the high cost of living is stressing Kenyans and many can't afford to provide the basic needs for their families.

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