Uganda: WWF Uganda Urges Govt On Commitments to Reduce Global Co2 Emissions Ahead of COP28

29 November 2023

The World Wildlife Fund(WWF) Uganda has demanded that tangible commitments should be made on the urgent need to enhance Nationally Determined Contributions(NDCs) for increasing the ambition for emissions reduction goals for 2030 and new ones for 2035, through the Global Stock take and the Work Programme on pre-2030 mitigation ambition and implementation

"Parties should state upfront the need for enhancing institutional capacity as a critical enabling condition and create a forum to share lessons and identify resources for enhancing institutional capacity," Ivan Tumuhimbise, WWF Uganda's Country Director said ahead of COP28 in Dubai.

COP28 will begin tomorrow, November, 30 until December, 2 2023, at the Expo City, Dubai

Tumuhimbise will lead WWF Uganda's delegation to Dubai.

In its position paper, WWF called for more commitments by different parties towards measures and interventions to mitigate climate change.

"WWF is also calling on our government negotiators to strengthen the implementation of the new and updated NDCs. Uganda's climate responsibility arising from historical and current greenhouse gas emissions is extremely low. With total emissions accounting for just over 1% of the global greenhouse gas footprint, Uganda just like any other country in Africa is most vulnerable to climate change impacts, but the continent is nevertheless committed to providing solutions to the climate crisis."

Tumuhimbise urged parties at COP28 to reiterate their commitment to support African countries, Uganda inclusive in phasing out fossil fuels using just transition principles in a timely manner to meet their needs based on strong supply of wind, sun, hydropower, and even geothermal resources, which offer great potential for deployment and investment.

"Misplaced and expensive investments in fossil fuels will be obsolete in a few years as the climate crisis worsens and fossil fuel companies potentially lose their social license to operate. Uganda's energy development should be based on capacitating it to unlock its massive renewable energy potential, and should aim to at least triple renewable energy capacity by 2030," he said.

A report by WWF Uganda, and partners including WWF Germany, World Future Council, and Bread for the World on Uganda's Energy Transition Towards 100% Renewable Energy by 2050 Renewable Energy Scenario put in place a road map for 100% renewable energy for all by 2050.

According to Tumuhimbise, the report should inform Uganda government negotiators and other policymakers to take investment decisions geared towards attaining 100 Renewable Energy for all Ugandans.

Uganda will launch its energy transition plan at the upcoming 28th United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP28) which will be held in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) next month.

The energy transition plan aims to ensure that Uganda meets its net zero targets on carbon emissions.

The strategy, which will be a key part of Uganda's delegation's participation in the climate change conference, will outline how the country will achieve the objectives of carbon neutrality by 2050 while also ensuring universal access to electricity in the country by 2040.

"We ask that this commitment be operationalized by putting in place a clear funded road map, including financial commitments for the benefit of nature and all Ugandans," the WWF Uganda Country office said.

Climate action for women, girls

WWF Uganda has also asked world leaders to address issues affecting women and girls who are disproportionately affected by climate change.

"Women and children are up to 14 times more likely to to be killed by climate disasters than men. Displacement and poverty resulting from disasters can also lead to increased gender based violence and child marriage.Women and girls are also more likely to depend on agriculture and have fewer opportunities to relocate or adapt their farming model when faced with effects of climate change," WWF Uganda

Youth at the forefront

WWF Uganda has also urged COP28 to prioritize youth-centric engagement paying great attention to climate governance.

"COP28 should seize the opportunity to amplify the voices of Ugandan youth and youth worldwide. It should be the mechanism that ensures youth's concerns and aspirations are not only heard but also systematically embedded in policy frameworks," WWF Uganda said.

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