Botswana: Plans to Upgrade Mohembo-Gudigwa Road Underway

Seronga — Residents of Seronga and peripheral villages have been urged to exercise patience as the government works towards securing a budget to upgrade the Mohembo-Gudingwa road to bitumen standard.

Addresing a kgotla meeting in Seronga yesterday, President Dr Mokgweetsi Masisi acknowledged the poor condition of the road and expressed the government's commitment to tar it in the next financial year, if funds permit.

In the meantime, the President said the Ministry of Transport and Public Works planned to gravel the road to make it passable.

The ministry has brought in two graders and instructed the use of quality gravel to improve the road.

President Dr Masisi assured residents that he would visit several villages in the Okavango District to understand the challenges faced by communities and find lasting solutions.

"I will come back, together with cabinet ministers to appreciate issues of concern and of your welfare. I am aware of issues such as human-wildlife conflict and stock theft among others, which need more time to deliberate on and come up with interventions to reduce the impact," he said.

He emphasised the importance of consultation and democracy in addressing issues such as human-wildlife conflict and stock theft.

For his part, Minister of Transport and Public Works, Mr Eric Molale, confirmed the poor condition of the road and informed residents that they had requested a budget for road infrastructure, which the President had approved.

He mentioned the need to increase the budget to cover the tarring of the Mohembo-Gudigwa road and the requirement of presenting a proposal before Parliament for approval. "Contractors have been engaged to improve the road in the meantime, and two graders are already on site collecting quality gravel from Bodibeng," he said.

Seronga Village Development Committee chairperson, Mr Motsholathebe Maeze said the residents appreciated President Masisi for prioritising infrastructure development and acknowledged the construction of the new Okavango Bridge, which had made transportation easier for residents who previously relied on a ferry.

The President was also praised for the upgrading of Okavango into a fully-fledged district, bringing services closer to the people.

Regarding the The Delimitation Commission report, Mr Maeze said it divided Okavango into two constituencies, saying this would ensure better representation in the next general elections.

He said the introduction of Community Constituency Funding (CCP) had also made a positive difference, with various developmental projects being implemented in the village.

"We really appreciate your efforts because our area is a tourism destination and majority of the locals are working in the campsites in the Okavango Delta and the CCP fund has indeed transformed our area and developed lives," he added.

In addition, Mr Maeze hailed the Community Based Natural Resource Management (CBNRM) programme, implemented by the Okavango Community Trust .

He said it had brought benefits to the community, including employment opportunities for youth and infrastructure development.

Kgosi Disho Ndhowe of the Okavango region praised President Masisi's efforts in responding to the needs of the communities, particularly through the consultation process for the constitution review.

He also appreciated government initiatives to improve the cattle industry, such as the importation of quality breeds and the revival of quarantines.


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