South Africa: National Strategic Plan On GBVF Must Be Prioritised - Cabinet

Cabinet has reaffirmed the need to prioritise the implementation of the National Strategic Plan (NSP) of dealing with the second pandemic of gender-based violence and femicide.

Briefing the media on Thursday, Minister in the Presidency Khumbudzo Ntshavheni said Cabinet further noted progress that has been made on interventions of the NSP that are driven through the following six pillars:

  • Extensive legal reform;
  • Support for survivors through the provision of evidence toolkits at police stations;
  • Psychology and social services;
  • The establishment of the GBVF Response Fund which commits both government and the private sector to fund the fight against GBVF;
  • Support for Thuthuzela and Khuseleka Care centres, which provide vital services for GBV survivors; and
  • The economic empowerment of women.

"Government will continue with consultations with various sectors to mobilise a whole of society approach to dealing with GBVF [gender-based violence and femicide], including localising the NSP using the District Development Model (DDM) approach for implementation at a ward level," the Minister said.

In this regard, Cabinet applauded the successful co-hosting of the 3rd African Union (AU) Men's Conference on Positive Masculinity in Leadership to End Violence Against Women and Girls with the Republic of Comoros in Pretoria from 27 to 28 November 2023.

The Men's Conference provided an opportunity to consolidate the bold efforts that the Heads of State and Government, and other sectors have taken towards ending violence against women and girls on the continent.

These efforts include accountability for the implementation of the Kinshasa Declaration and the decisions made at the 2023 February Heads of State and Government Conference on negotiating an AU Convention on Ending Violence Against Women and Girls.

MSC investment

Meanwhile, Cabinet has also welcomed the opening of the Nelson Mandela cruise terminal by the Mediterranean Shipping Company (MSC) in a public-private partnership (PPP) contract with Transnet.

MSC invested approximately R296.7 million in the construction of the new terminal, with an additional R30 million earmarked for expansion of the terminal.

Cabinet echoed the sentiments of President Ramaphosa when he said at the opening of the terminal last week: "The multi-user terminal has made Durban an even more desirable destination for cruise ships from all over the world".

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