Kenya: Coast, Central, Western, Lake Victoria Basin, Southeast Lowlands Set for Week-Long Rains, Isolated Storms

5 December 2023

Nairobi — The Kenya Meteorological Department has issued a heavy rains advisory at the Coast, Central, Western, Lake Victoria Basin and Southeast lowlands.

According to the department, the regions are set to experience week-long rains and isolated storms.

"High average daytime (maximum) temperatures of more than 30 degrees Celsius will be experienced over much of the Coast, North-eastern and North-western Kenya as depicted by Figure 2. Some parts of the Highlands East of the Rift Valley will experience low average night-time (minimum) temperatures of less than 10 degrees Celsius," the department stated

They added that morning rains, afternoon showers, thunderstorms and night showers are likely to occur over few places such as the highlands West of the Rift Valley, the Lake Victoria Basin and the Rift Valley (Kisii, Nyamira, Nandi, Kericho, Bomet, Kakamega, Vihiga, Bungoma, Siaya, Kisumu, Homabay, Busia, Migori, Narok, Baringo, Nakuru, Trans-Nzoia, Uasin-Gishu, Elgeyo-Marakwet and West-Pokot Counties): Morning rains are expected over few places.

Moreover, heavy rainfall is expected in some parts of Kakamega, Vihiga, Migori, Homa Bay, Kisii and Narok Counties.

"The Highlands East of the Rift Valley (including Nairobi County) (Nyandarua, Laikipia, Nyeri, Kirinyaga, Murang'a, Kiambu, Meru, Embu, Tharaka-Nithi and Nairobi Counties): Occasional morning rains are expected over few places. Afternoon and night showers are likely to occur over few places occasionally spreading to several places. Some parts of Murang'a, Nyeri, Kiambu, Tharaka Nithi, Embu and Meru Counties may receive heavy rainfall," the forecast read

Days in North-eastern Kenya (Marsabit, Mandera, Wajir, Garissa and Isiolo Counties) are likely to be sunny and nights partly cloudy.

However, occasional afternoon showers may occur over the southern part of Garissa County during the first half of the forecast period.

"The South-eastern lowlands (Machakos, Kitui, Makueni, Kajiado and Taita-Taveta Counties): Occasional morning rains are expected over few places. Afternoon and night showers are likely to occur over few places occasionally spreading to several places. Heavy rainfall is expected in some parts of Makueni, Kitui and Taita Taveta Counties,"

"The Coast (Mombasa, Tana-River, Kilifi, Lamu and Kwale Counties): Morning, afternoon and night showers are expected over few places. The afternoon showers may occasionally spread to several places," MET department stated

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