Kenya: Standoff as MPs Walk Out Over Delayed CDF Disbursement

5 December 2023

Nairobi — Business came to a standstill before the National Assembly as MPs staged a walkout paralyzing legislative activities delays of the National Government Constituency Development Funds (NG-CDF).

The lawmakers walked out of the chambers barely an hour after the afternoon sitting had commenced forcing a quorum hitch which led to the house being adjourned prematurely.

MPs are slated to commence their two-month long recess on Thursday but now they have insisted they will not proceed for the break without commitment on the disbursement of the NGCDF.

As they stormed out, some were heard shouting "no bursaries, no recess" while other sang "solidarity forever for the bursaries make us strong".

National Assembly Deputy Speaker Gladys Shollei was forced to adjourn the house prematurely after ringing the quorum bell twice according to the standing orders with no quorum being attained.

On a point of order, Minority Leader Opiyo Wandayi pointed out that the 100 percent secondary school transition will face a crisis for learners from poor households if the NGCDF funds are not released before January.

"The house would be in order to decline to transact any other business in sympathy in expressing empathy with the thousands of children of poor Kenyans out there, the children of hustlers, who are suffering out there, not knowing how they will go back to school," he said.

Majority Leader Kimani Ichungwa told the House that he has engaged the National Treasury on the matter seeking commitment on when the disbursement will be made as MPs head to recess.

"I listened to many members who came to my office from last week is what is bothering many of us. Is money especially for bursaries and therefore we have asked the national treasury and NGCDF they know what is provided for in law, the maximum for bursary with or without the proposal," he said.

"We must cause them to disburse. At least up to that 40% For bursary so that by the time our children are breaking from the Christmas break.We have processed the bursary."

Ugenya MP David Ochieng added:"I think its on us as a body of Parliament. We have allowed the Executive to get away with too much. They now think they can get away with anything against us".

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