Uganda: Police and Army Officers Among 31 Remanded Over Plot to Overthrow Govt

6 December 2023

The General Court Martial in Makindye has remanded 31 people including police officers, soldiers and pastors among others for plotting to overthrow government.

The court on Tuesday charged Capt Denish Oola Oyaa, attached to the sixth Tank Battalion as an operations training officer, Lieutenant Benjamin Oduru, a staff officer, Warrant Officer II Oryek Sunday Jenaro, a tank engine technician, Sgt Bernard Morris Leku (also known as Peter Anguadia, a deserter), formerly attached to the Field Engineering Unit of America Village Perichi Subcounty, West Adjumani County in Adjumani District, Cpl John Elatu, attached to sixth Tank Battalion in Singo as a gunner, Cpl Ronald Keuber, attached to the first Tank Battalion as a driver and mechanic, Cpl David Olal, a Police officer resident of Erute North in Lira District, and Lance Corporal Moses Anyang, attached to the sixth tank battalion as a tank operator.

They were charged alongside civilians including Judith Angwech, a pastor from Alebtong district, Simon Oyoma, a pastor from Soroti City, Daniel Owitti (also known as Ott or ODM), a social worker from Adjumani District, Fabio Ocen, a builder from Kole District, Muhammad Ijosiga, a peasant from Arua district, Stanley Yiacia a marketeer from Maracha, Anthony Kamau Omacj, a teacher from Dokolo District, Joaquin Parm, an electrician from Nebbi District, Abdu Hakim Koloboka, a security guard from Yumbe District, Habibu Ezale, a mechanic from Koboko District and Ssebi Keppo, a peasant from Arua District.

They are accused of treachery, contrary to section 129 (a) of the UPDF Act, 2005.

The army prosecution alleges that the group between February 2022 and October 2023 within and outside Uganda in diverse places of Lira, Masaka, Arua, Kampala cities, Bidi Bidi camp in Yumbe District and Juba City in South Sudan held meetings, recruited and formed a rebel group called Uganda Lords' Salvation Army engaged in war or war like activities intending to overthrow the government of Uganda.

The group is also accused of being in unlawful possession of a firearm and ammunition contrary to section 3 (1) (2) (a) of the firearms Act after being found with an SMG rifle without a valid firearms licence but also 21 rounds of live ammunition.

The group represented by Captain Simon Nsubuga Busagwa and Private Pricilla Kakande denied the charges.

The army prosecutors including Lt Col Raphael Mugisha, Lt Alex Lasto Mukhwana, and Private Regina Nanzala told court that investigations into the matter are still ongoing and asked for an adjournment.

The army court chairman, Brig Robert Mugabe Freeman remanded the soldiers to Makindye military prison whereas the civilians sent to Kigo until January, 22, 2024 for mention of the case.

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