Kenyan Fishermen on Lake Victoria Seize Five Ugandan Boats in Revenge Move

6 December 2023

Migori — Kenyan fishermen along Nyang'wina beach in Muhuru Bay in Migori County last evening seized five boats from Ugandan fishermen over territorial trespass in Lake Victoria.

Their action is as a revenge of four boats from Kenya which were captured by Ugandan authorities.

The residents of Nyang'wina said the fishermen who hail from Muhuru Bay were arrested on Friday night while on a fishing expedition at the Lake.

Sources said the fishermen were apprehended for allegedly trespassing into Ugandan water but they were released after protests from the residents. The boats were however, retained by the Ugandan authorities.

Muhuru Bay Beach Management Unit officials and their MCA Lawrence Magubo protested the confiscation of boats and fishing gears.

They asked the Kenyan Government to move with speed and help release the four boats.

Magubo called upon the intervention from the Ministry of East African Cooperation to resolve the recurring territorial woes.

Muhuru BMU chairman Lucas Sobu asked the Kenyan government to help the local fishermen address the security issue in the Lake noting that the fishing community is living with fear especially when fishing during the night. - Kna

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