Kenya: KEBS Confirms Safety of Imported Edible Oils

6 December 2023

Nairobi — The Kenya Bureau of Standards (KEBS) now says that the edible oils imported to the country by the Kenya National Trading Corporation (KNTC) complied with its safety parameters.

In a statement, the standards regulator says the edible oils only failed to meet their vitamin A levels.

"As regards to the edible oil, KEBS sampled, re-inspected and tested the edible oils imported by Kenya National Trading Corporation (KNTC). From the tests done, the edible oil complied with all the health and safety parameters of the applicable Kenya Standard (KS EAS 769: 2019). However, the sampled edible oils did not meet the Vitamin A levels specified in the Kenyan Standard," read the statement by KEBS.

The standards regulator adds that this is not a health and safety parameter, a factor that has now raised eyebrows considering the regulator declared the imported edible oil unfit for human consumption.

KEBS had on September 5 written a letter to the KNTC Managing Director, advising him to reship the consignment back to its country of origin for failing to meet its safety standards.

"The consignments have been rejected and the importer is hereby advised to reship them back to the country of origin within 30 days from the date of this letter, failure to which they shall be destroyed at the importer's cost," read the letter by KEBS.

The standards regulator's report in September established that the imported edible oil's fat content exceeded the required amount by 0.47% by mass, containing 99.97 instead of the required 99.5, while its moisture and matter volatile stood at 105°C, against the required threshold of 0.2.

The latest statement by KEBS, however, says otherwise, putting a stamp of approval on the edible oil.

It has assured the public of safety, maintaining that its safety guidelines are anchored on that.

"We would like to assure the public that KEBS is committed to ensuring the safety and quality of ALL locally manufactured and imported products into the country," added the statement.

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