Rwanda: Kendrick Lamar Concert - What Does It Mean to Be a Global Citizen?

6 December 2023

All roads lead to the beautiful BK Arena later Wednesday, December 6 for the inaugural Global Citizen Africa concert. Renowned American rapper Kendrick Lamar is set to headline the concert, while the likes of Tanzanian star Zuchu and Rwanda's own Bruce Melodie are also expected to perform.

But what does it mean to be a global citizen? And a good one at that? Ever wondered how you can make an impact on today's interconnected world and become the responsible, productive global citizen that you have been called to be?

We put the question to citizens just like you and their answers reflected that they were all making an impact on their world in their own way, and they even shared some ideas that you can adopt today.

READ ALSO: Kendrick Lamar, Zuchu in Kigali ahead of Move Africa

As a global citizen, your passport is integral to your survival, but just for a moment, forget about what country is stamped on it. Let's trade national anthems for a universal anthem of action. Because in today's interconnected world, citizenship isn't defined by borders, but by a shared heartbeat - the pulse of a global community. We are global citizens, and the power we wield is electrifying!

In trying to break down who a global citizen is from her lens, Maya, a 19-year-old student activist from Kenya, declared, "Being a global citizen means understanding that our actions, no matter how small, have a ripple effect on the world around us."

Every recycled can, every kind word online, every conscious choice - it's all a pebble thrown into the ocean, creating waves of change. Like Bruce Lee said, "be water my friend."

Michel, a 35-year-old teacher from Uganda, shared: "It's about embracing our shared humanity, recognizing that we all have a stake in the future of our planet."

No more 'us vs them'. We're all in this together and we have to navigate the challenges and opportunities. Wow, I like the idea of a shared existence, this planet is big, but it seems to be getting smaller all the time, hence the saying, 'small world'.

READ ALSO: What you should know about Global Citizen Festival

Amina, a 42-year-old social entrepreneur from Nigeria, passionately stated: "Global citizenship is about taking action to create a more just and equitable world, where everyone has the opportunity to thrive." No more bystanders... we're done just looking on from the sidelines - this is our life and our world, and we have to take action now!

These global citizens were lighting a fire in me as I listened to them intently. Their passionate chorus for change resonated with me. It might sound cliché, but "YES, we can!" We can clean up our oceans, one recycled bottle at a time. We can bridge divides, one kind word at a time. We can fight for equality, one raised fist at a time... YES, we can!

Imagine a world where borders run into welcome mats, where differences become spices that flavor our lives, where every child inherits a planet teeming with opportunity. That's the world a global citizen builds, brick by shared dream, action by connected hand. We've got this!

READ ALSO: Who is Kendrick Lamar, the hip-hop legend performing in Kigali next week?

Jean de Dieu, a 20-year-old techpreneur from Rwanda, confidently chimed in: "Being a global citizen means that we are committed to making a positive impact on the world." No more apathy! We're the Wi-Fi routers of change, amplifying each other's voices and ideas, making sure no one gets left offline in the fight for a better tomorrow.

Imagine this: A million hands, a billion hearts, united in a single purpose - a world where differences are bridges, not walls; where sustainability isn't a slogan, but a way of life; where opportunity isn't a privilege, but a birthright.

That's the global citizen's play book, game on! We're not just individuals anymore, we're a movement - a vibrant tapestry woven from countless threads of compassion, innovation, and sheer determination. So, come on, dust off your metaphorical passport, grab your megaphone of action, and join the global game. Citizens of the World, Rise Up, It's time for our team to win!

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