Kenya: PS Sing'oei Tells Kingi Not to Interfere With Foreign Affairs Docket Following Somaliland Comments

6 December 2023

Nairobi — Foreign Affairs Principal Secretary Korir Sing'oei has told off Senate speaker Amason Kingi, in a coded message signaling Kingi's interference with the Foreign Affairs docket.

Korir in a post shared on his official X app account (formerly twitter) slammed the senate speaker following a post he had shared on in his X account titled "Promoting ties between Kenya and Somaliland".

"Kenya and the republic of Somaliland enjoy ties that stretch back to days under British colonial rule which bequeathed them almost similar systems and structures of governance at independence," posted Kingi. "We deliberated on the need to enhance trade between Kenya and Somaliland by facilitating easy movement of people and commodities between the two countries," he added.

Korir while taking issues with Kingi's post reminded him that foreign policy matters are a preserve of the National government and that parliament's role is well cut in providing oversight to the executive arm of the government.

"Respectful Reminder that Foreign policy of the Republic is a function of National Government. Parliament's role in foreign policy is oversight on the exercise of foreign relations by the national government," posted the Foreign Affairs PS.

He further took issue with Kingi's recognition of Somaliland as a state, adding that Kenya only recognizes the Federal Republic of Somalia as a state.

"It is Kenya's established and unchanging foreign policy, consistent with the African Union, that only the Federal Republic of Somalia is the recognized State entity. Somaliland, a region within the Federal Republic of Somalia, has a liaison office for commercial purposes in Nairobi. This office is not an embassy," he continued.

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