Africa: COP28 - Climate Experts Question Slow Progress in Adaptation Talks

6 December 2023

As the end of the first week of COP28 approaches, African Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) have raised a red flag on the progress of the Global Goal on Adaptation (GGA) negotiations, expressing fears that the process may not yield a concrete outcome.

Global Goal on Adaptation (GGA) aims to "enhance adaptive capacity, strengthen resilience, and reduce vulnerability to climate change."

A decision on GGA was cited as a key outcome of COP28. However, CSOs are now concerned that the negotiations are losing momentum.

They argue that the ongoing negotiations could result in a diluted GGA, and are concerned that developed nations may be reluctant to advocate for a resolution on the Global Goal on Adaptation, particularly given that the decision on the Loss and Damage Fund (LDF) has already been reached and funds have begun to be allocated to it.

The Loss and Damage Fund decision was announced on the second day of the ongoing climate talks. Some countries in the Global North have already started to contribute money to it, with $400 million pledged so far.

But with the discussions still ongoing, experts are calling on negotiation teams to be bolder and more ambitious to prevent the collapse of the critical discussions.

Days before COP28, African Civil Society Organisations wrote a Common Position Paper on Adaptation and Loss and Damage, highlighting a robust framework for the Global Goal on Adaptation as one of Africa's core priorities at the climate summit.

In the paper, the CSOs called on COP28 to operationalise and establish a comprehensive framework for the Global Goal on Adaptation (GGA) as one of its key outcomes.

To scale up adaptation action, they also wanted the COP presidency to decide on a clear, quantitative, and holistic global target for the GGA, a concrete target for means of implementation (i.e. support for finance, technology transfer, and capacity building), and targets for the adaptation policy cycle.

In recent months, experts have expressed hope that countries would decide on GGA targets at the climate talks by focusing on people, livelihoods, ecosystems, and finance, given adaptation is the second goal and, therefore, an equally important part of the Paris Agreement.

In their push, the CSOs and other interest groups want a GGA outcome that is clear, quantitative and qualitative, holistic and principle-based, addresses finance needs, is easy to institutionalise, and is globally applicable.

Amy G Thorp, the Senior Adaptation and Resilience Policy Advisor at Power Shift Africa, noted: "We cannot talk about adaptation without talking about scaling up finance and a strong Global Goal on Adaptation. Both are critical if we are to fast-track action on building the adaptive capacity of communities on the frontline of the climate crisis, especially in Africa."

"We must urgently close the growing gap in adaptation finance for us to make meaningful progress in enhancing the resilience of our people. So far at this COP, financial pledges have not met the scale of need, and commitments for adaptation are lukewarm. To move forward, developed nations need to come to the table."

Mike Terungwa, Director and Founder of the Global Initiative for Food Security and Ecosystem Preservation, said in the pursuit of climate action that is just and equitable, adaptation becomes our compass.

"Adaptation finance serves as the fuel that propels climate resilience, ensuring a sustainable and harmonious coexistence with our ecosystems. We cannot leave climate adaptation in the cold at COP28. There can never be climate action in the absence of adaptation finance. COP28 must deliver an outcome that prioritises finance in an ambitious, deliberate, and urgent manner," he said.

Patience Agyekum, Policy Lead, Strategic Youth Network for Development (SYND), added that Article 7 of the Paris Climate Agreement states that the Global Goal on Adaptation would enhance adaptive capacity, strengthen resilience, and reduce the vulnerability of countries to climate change.

"A comprehensive framework must be agreed on and adopted at COP28 to enable vulnerable countries with special needs and circumstances, like many African countries, to attract the needed financial and technological support to build their resilience to climate change. We cannot afford to miss this opportunity," he said.

The writer is reporting from the 28th UN Climate Change Conference in Dubai.

This story was produced with assistance from MESHA and IDRC Eastern and Southern Africa Office for science journalists reporting on COP28.

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