Kenya: CS Murkomen Threatens to Sue Senator Cherargei Over Defamation

8 December 2023

Nairobi — Roads and Transport Cabinet Secretary Kipchumba Murkomen has threatened to take legal actions against Nandi County Senator Samson Cherarkey for defamation.

Through his lawyers Murkomen sent a letter to the Nandi Senator demanding an apology over claims that he had received a sum of hundred million Us dollar as bribe from China Wu Yi between the Month of June and October this year following his visit to China.

Cs Murkomen has termed the words uttered by senator Cherarkey during a press conference on November 24 as false and defamatory and therefore demands Cherarkey to accept the liability for defamation in order to give way for negotiations.

''Accept the liability for defamation or tender an apology in writing to our client through the same channels through which you published the offending words,'' read the demand letter.

Murkomen who has now vowed to take the matter to court stated that Cherarekey portrayed him in a bad light in the right thinking members of the society by uttering the defamatory statements.

''The said offensive words tend to lower the reputation of our client in the estimation of the ordinary, just and right thinking members of the society. In uttering the words you referred to our client by name, he is corrupt, has committed a crime of receiving a bribe from China Wu Yi and lacks Integrity,'' it added.

Senator Cherarkey accused Cs Murkomen of receiving the bribe while on his China tour in order to influence the award of tenders over roads construction contracts by his ministry.

''He has visited China severally and you heard on the floor of the House defending Chinese Contractors. Where will the hustler contractors who voted for us go, if you are giving them the contracts?'', he questioned.

''Because he received a bribe and I am daring him to come clean on the allegation of receiving a hundred million US Dollars from China Wu Yi when he visited in the month of between June and October,'' the senator added.

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