Uganda: Revolutionizing Teso's Cassava Landscape

Women farming cassava in Sierra Leone.
11 December 2023

In the heart of Teso's vast cassava fields, a revolutionary movement is sweeping through, driven by the relentless spirit of local farmers determined to turn their abundant cassava harvests into economic opportunities.

Augustine Akutu, a prominent cassava farmer in Amuria District, spearheads this charge with over 500 acres dedicated to cassava cultivation.

Despite being a cassava powerhouse, farmers like Akutu face significant challenges due to the lack of proper storage and processing facilities, leading to substantial losses during each harvest season.

Akutu, who spends most of his time at his cassava plantation, emphasizes the urgency of addressing these issues.

''Without proper facilities, we're losing tons of cassava every season. We need a solution to unlock the full potential of our harvests,'' declares Augustine Akutu.

Tom Awuko, another cassava farmer, echoes this sentiment, emphasizing the pressing need for value addition factories to prevent wastage.

The call for action has resonated with State Minister for Works, Musa Ecweru, the second-largest cassava farmer in the Teso sub-region.

Recognizing the productivity of the area, Minister Ecweru responds swiftly to the farmers' plea, acknowledging the need for a state-of-the-art cassava processing facility.

''We envision a facility that transforms cassava into various value-added products, including flour, starch, biofuel, and exports,'' says Musa Ecweru, highlighting the potential benefits.

The proposed factory holds the promise of employment opportunities, increased income, and improved quality of life for the entire community.

''This is not just about cassava; it's about transforming our community and creating a sustainable future for generations to come,'' states Minister Ecweru.

The call for a cassava factory extends beyond the farming community, uniting residents seeking an alternative to the disappointments faced in the fruit and citrus industry.

The envisioned facility emerges as a beacon of hope, promising a brighter future for Teso's economy.

As the momentum builds, the collective voice of Teso's farmers reverberates through the fields, demanding a transformation that goes beyond abundance--a transformation that promises economic prosperity for one of Uganda's cassava-rich regions.

The journey towards a thriving cassava industry has just begun, fueled by the determination of those who till the soil for a brighter tomorrow.

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