We are who we are. We need more investment in healthcare, not less. And less investment is what the NHI will create because since it excludes the private sector, it will no longer have access to private capital.
What do you do if there is something you want but can't afford? We all face this problem nearly every day. Personally, my preferred solution is to find an appropriate person or circumstance to blame for this inadequacy, because naturally, the world owes me the desirable object. The fact that I don't have it means someone or something is at fault. Obvs.
There are other possible solutions. One is to convince myself that I can afford it. You can achieve this by ignoring your bank statement. A version of this ''solution'' is to claim that although I can't afford it now, I may well be able to afford it in the future. So, I might as well just go ahead and buy it now because, in time, it won't break my piggy bank.
There are still other approaches. One is to indignantly claim that because there are people out there suggesting you can't afford it, they are the ones who are delusional, or even worse, deliberately self-serving and mendacious and determined to prove me wrong. Their private interests impel them to falsely claim that the object of my desires is unaffordable. The fact that they suggest it's unaffordable is enough...