South Africa: Court Finds King Misuzulu's Crowning as Zulu King Unlawful

Misuzulu kaZwelithini at his coronation as Zulu king, August 20, 2022.
12 December 2023

The Zulu royal throne is on shaky ground after the North Gauteng High Court in Pretoria found that President Cyril Ramaphosa failed to follow due process to recognise Misuzulu KaZwelithini as King, reports News24.

Judge Norman Davis delivered a judgment in the case that was brought to court by Misuzulu's brother, Prince Simakade Jackson Zulu and the late King Zwelithini's half-brother, Mbonisi Zulu, as they challenged the process followed to identify and appoint Misuzulu as the heir to the throne. In his judgment, Davis criticised Ramaphosa for failing to comply with the Traditional and Khoisan Act, which deals with transitional arrangements.

Ramaphosa allegedly ignored objections and concerns within the royal family, leading to criticism from the court. The ongoing dispute affects the Zulu nation, with significant stakes in land, budget, and leadership.

Cultural experts suggest the conflict arose due to inadequate scrutiny before Misuzulu's appointment, causing anxiety and divisions within the Zulu community.

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