Rwanda: Genocide Survivors in Rusizi District Get New Houses

12 December 2023

Survivors of the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi in various sectors of Rusizi district have received new homes, relieving them of concerns related to meeting monthly rent payments.

Officials in Rusizi district report that during the 2022/23 fiscal year, more than 70 shelters were constructed for vulnerable survivors of the 1994 genocide in Rwimbogo, Nyakarenzo, Gihundwe, Nkanka, Giheke, Nyakabuye, and Mururu sectors. This achievement incurred a cost of over Rwf 1.3 billion.

These survivors were previously living in substandard conditions, with some renting houses despite limited resources. Sperata Kamanzi from Gihundwe sector, Gatsiro cell, is one of the beneficiaries of this program. She commends the government's efforts to improve their lives.

''We are very happy; we have received houses and various home materials. Previously, some of us had no mattresses, but now we even have electricity in our houses. Our President, Paul Kagame, has done everything for us, and we are truly grateful! We only wish him blessings; he has been our caregiver,'' she said.

Ndagijimana Fabien from the same area also thanks President Kagame for various infrastructures, including the new homes.

''Before, we were very worried when it started to rain. But now we are not afraid to be together in our sitting rooms, listen to the radio together, dance, all because of these new houses. We are grateful to our president, and we shall vote for him 100% when he runs for elections,'' he added.

He commended the taxpayers who make all this possible, recognizing that taxes are paid to sustain growth and development.

Dr. Anicet Kibiriga, Mayor of Rusizi district, states that the houses built in different sectors have contributed to improving living conditions for the genocide survivors. He acknowledges the contribution of taxes to this milestone.

''The living conditions are changing. It is not only for those who now own these houses but also for many others from the villages who got jobs during the construction works,'' he said.

In addition to constructing houses, Rusizi district invested in renovating Kamembe town, including a 5.64-kilometer-long paved road at the cost close to Rwf 8 billion. Three suspended bridges for pedestrians were built at a cost of Rwf 395.2 million.

Moreover, 40.079 long water supply lines were constructed at Rwf 567million, along with 16 classrooms and 18 restrooms at different schools in various sectors, costing Rwf 101.8 million.

Rusizi district officials emphasize the role of taxes in the country's development and urge all citizens to avoid activities that can create opportunities for tax evasion. As a bordering area with the Democratic Republic of Congo, Rusizi district is susceptible to fraud.

Dushimimana Lambert, Western Province Governor, states that when taxes are duly collected, they contribute significantly to the country's development, as exemplified by the achievements in the 2022/23 fiscal year.

''In these achievements, there are constructed roads that you will notice when you visit Rusizi district, similar to Rubavu district, which were either newly constructed or renovated,'' he said.

''But we also subsidized over 100 thousand farmers with fertilizers and seeds, and radical terraces were created on over 1500 hectares. There are also over 1116 families that received cows in the Girinka program. Many schools were constructed, and several schools were built,'' he added.

Governor Dushimimana emphasized that taxes have significantly contributed to the development of the province and called for more compliance to enhance the lives of the people.

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