Uganda: Tororo Fertiliser Project Faces Uncertainty As Partial Production Resumes Briefly

13 December 2023

The Tororo Sukulu phosphate project, which recently rekindled hopes with a partial production restart, has once again shuttered its operations, leaving the district's residents perplexed.

In July, a ministerial team led by Dr. Ruth Nakabirwa, the Minister for Energy visited the facility, confirming its partial resumption.

However, days after their departure, the multibillion-dollar plant slipped back into limbo, raising questions about its long-term viability.

During the cabinet sub-committee's visit to the Sukulu phosphate industry, there was optimism as the plant's executive director, Jane Yaqiong Guo, announced the partial resumption of fertilizer production, expected to reach over 300,000 tons annually.

The news was welcomed by ministers, including Finance State Minister Amos Lugolobi and Defense State Minister Jacob Oboth Oboth.

Despite the initial excitement, insiders reveal that the partial production lasted for less than a week.

Now, five months later, the heavily guarded phosphate plant has once again halted its promised production, prompting District Chairperson John Okea to express concern over the impact on the local population.

''The district population is missing out on the national cake,'' said Okea, reflecting the frustration among district leaders and residents.

The phosphate plant, occupying 26 square miles of land, has faced scrutiny from locals and former occupants who demand transparency about the facility's operations.

During the cabinet sub-committee tour, the suggestion of phased funding to operationalize the plant was raised due to financial constraints.

Minister Ruth Nakabirwa emphasized the need for commitment from the government, leaving Tororo residents eagerly awaiting clarity on the project's future.

As uncertainty looms over the Tororo Sukulu phosphate project, the district remains in the dark about the reasons behind the repeated setbacks, highlighting the need for a comprehensive explanation from relevant authorities.

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