Kenya: Floodwaters Recede in Some Kenyan Counties, Monitoring Continues Amid Ongoing Rains'

14 December 2023

Nairobi — The National El-Nino Emergency and Disaster Response Command Centre says floodwaters are gradually receding in Lamu, Tana River, and Garissa Counties, with no new cases reported in the displacement of people.

The Command Centre said that the situation is being closely monitored in five other counties: Taita Taveta, Narok, Migori, Homabay, and Siaya, due to the current forecast of heavy rainfall and isolated storms in those regions.

"Active plans are likewise underway for the second phase of relief distribution to the affected counties in acknowledgment of the evolving situation. This comprehensive approach ensures that affected populations receive the necessary assistance to recover and rebuild," it said in a statement.

The Unit assured Kenyans that they remain steadfast in providing immediate relief and support to those affected by the floods.

This report comes as the government announced on December 9 an increase in the death toll resulting from the ongoing El Nino rains to 168 after three more Kenyans succumbed to floods.

Government Spokesman Isaack Mwaura said the fatalities were reported in Tharaka Nithi, Nandi, and Migori counties.

In a statement, Mwaura appealed to Kenyans to avoid flooded areas and adhere to flood alerts to avert fatalities and injuries.

"Rainfall is expected to persist across the country's southern half from December 9 to December 15. This includes the Lake Victoria basin, Central Highlands, South Eastern Rift Valley, the Coastal strip, and Western Kenya," he stated.

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