Uganda: Police Intrusion During Molly Katanga's Hospital Surgery Sparks Legal Uproar

14 December 2023

In a startling incident that has raised serious questions about the boundaries of law enforcement, police officers have stormed into an operation theatre where Molly Katanga , the widow of deceased businessman, Henry Katanga was undergoing her fifth medical procedure.

This brazen intrusion, captured on video by Katanga's next of kin, has led to an outcry and a legal petition by her lawyers.

The video shows a confrontation where police officer Constable Mageni demanded the deletion of the recording, underscoring the gravity of the privacy breach.

"Upon Police officers noticing that they were being recorded, Constable Mageni confronted out client's next of kin and demanded for the deletion of the recordings. Our client's next of kin refused to delete the recordings and the police officers tried to arrest him on allegations that he was an obstacle to the administration of justice," a petition by Molly Katanga's lawyers of Kampala Associated Advocates( KAA)reads in part.

The petition filed by Katanga's lawyers to the Principal Judge not only highlights this specific incident but also cites previous instances of police overreach.

These include forceful entries into hospital facilities and unwarranted pressures on medical staff.

The lawyers argue that such actions by police officers like Bob Kagarura and Wathum Benson blatantly disregard Katanga's rights, including her right to privacy and the presumption of innocence.

"My Lord, Police officers such as Bob Kagarura and Wathum Benson have previously forcefully entered the hospital theatre and even the ICU where our client is receiving treatment and coerced hospital staff into discharging our client so that she should be produced in court and be remanded to Luzira," the petition continues.

Amidst allegations of police misconduct and media bias in reporting, this case has become a focal point for concerns over the conduct of law enforcement in sensitive situations, particularly regarding the balance between criminal investigations and individual rights.

Lawyers petition DPP over investigations into death of Henry Katanga

Allegations of information leaks by the police and biased reporting have been a point of contention. The legal team has pointed out the prejudicial impact of such reporting, questioning the integrity of the investigation and the impartiality of the media.

As the case gains public attention, the judge's response to this petition will be a critical moment in balancing law enforcement's duties with the protection of individual rights.

The outcome of this petition could set a precedent for how such delicate matters are handled in the future, ensuring that the rule of law prevails even in the face of challenging circumstances.

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