South Africa: Mavuso Msimang Backtracks On Resignation After ANC Agrees to Exclude Leaders Implicated in State Capture


The ANC has announced that veteran Mavuso Msimang has rescinded his resignation as the party agrees to exclude from 2024 parliamentary lists members who have been implicated in State Capture and have not been cleared by the Integrity Committee.

The ANC has indicated that Mavuso Msimang will continue serving the party and after a meeting on Tuesday 12 December facilitated by the Veterans League.

In a statement issued by the governing party on Thursday, the organisation also noted that its Secretary-General Fikile Mbalula regrets utterances he made about the Msimang in the public domain.

"In this regard, we are pleased that comrade Msimang has agreed to withdraw his resignation and will continue to speak up against any malfeasance impacting the interests of society.

"The ANC will continuously seek the wise counsel of the elders of the ANC in whose footsteps we walk. The SG regrets that he made comments that impugned the integrity of Cde Msimang, suggesting that he was vulnerable to taking a bribe from a newly established political formation, or, for that matter, any other source," party spokesperson Mahlengi Bhengu-Motsiri said.

The ANC has also committed to deal swiftly with ill-disciplined members including those implicated in state capture.

"In addressing the concerns of ANC members, and, indeed all South Africans, the leadership of the ANC will act with urgency to address the unethical behaviour and ill-discipline of members, including leaders of the party.

"We are determined that...

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