Mauritius: Prime Minister Graces Civil Service Kermesse 2023

The Prime Minister, Mr Pravind Kumar Jugnauth, called on Public Officers to regularly practice a physical activity so as to stay healthy and be able to perform well at work.

Prime Minister Jugnauth was speaking, today, at the Civil Service Kermesse 2023, which is being held at the Gymkhana Grounds in Vacoas. The Prime Minister also visited some of the 70 stalls set up by different Ministries and Departments.

The Minister of Public Service, Administrative and Institutional Reforms, Dr Anjiv Ramdhany; Ministers and Members of Parliament; as well as several personalities were also present for the 29th edition of the Civil Service Kermesse organised by the Public Officers' Welfare Council.

In his address, Prime Minister Jugnauth highlighted the need to make time for leisure activities, especially with the fast evolving world of work. He observed that the Civil Service Kermesse is organised annually with the aim to raise funds for staff welfare associations of Ministries and Departments.

The Prime Minister moreover seized this opportunity to stress on the importance of road safety and on the ongoing sensitisation campaign related thereto. He also spoke on the important role of Public Officers so as to effectively implement Government measures for the development of the country and the welfare of citizens.

As for Minister Ramdhany, he dwelt on the transformation of the public sector through technology and innovation. He outlined that the eDMS has been recently implemented so as to move towards a paperless public service, in addition to the eHR system which is already operational.

The Minister pointed out that his Ministry lays emphasis on training for Public Officers so that they can enhance service delivery. He also stressed on the need to strike the right balance between work and leisure, and encouraged Public Officers and the public to make the most of the day.

It is recalled that the Civil Service Kermessse is an annual event where staff welfare associations from Ministries and Departments come together to raise funds for activities that benefit their members. It is also an opportunity for Public Officers, their families, and the public to connect and spend time in a relaxed and friendly environment.

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