Mauritius: Inauguration of Mini Soccer Pitch At Mare Tabac

A mini soccer pitch situated at the Social Welfare Centre of Mare Tabac, was inaugurated, yesterday, evening by the Minister of National Infrastructure and Community Development, Mr Mahendranuth Sharma Hurreeram. The project was an initiative of the National Development Unit (NDU) with the collaboration of the Ministry of National Infrastructure and Community Development.

The Minister of Youth Empowerment, Sports and Recreation, Mr Jean Christophe Stephan Toussaint, the Second Secretary of the High Commission of India, Ms Swetha Moortu, Parliamentary Private Secretary, Mrs Teenah Jutton, Member of Parliament, Mr Rameswar Doolub, and other personalities were present for the occasion.

In his keynote address, the Minister emphasised the significance of the newly constructed soccer pitch, tracing its origins back to an old children's park that required renovation. He highlighted the community's expressed need for a more modern infrastructure capable of meeting the local population's requirements. Specifically, it was the residents who voiced out the necessity for a sports facility to support the comprehensive development of the area's youth, he stated.

Mr Hureeram underscored the pivotal role of this contemporary soccer pitch, noting its potential to inspire a healthier and more active lifestyle among the youth while safeguarding them from societal challenges like drug abuse. He, further, highlighted this project has been implemented at the Social Welfare Centre of Mare Tabac, falling under the aegis of the Ministry of Gender Equality and Family Welfare.

Furthermore, Minister Hureeram stressed the Government's ongoing commitment to societal development, highlighting the numerous projects geared towards enhancing community well-being. The role of the NDU, he outlined, is to allow the residents to access these facilities.

About the project

The Government of India funded this project through its Grant Assistance Scheme for small community projects, granting a total of Rs 400 million to Mauritius in June 2022. As part of this scheme, the NDU received Rs 60 million for this year to carry out community development projects across the island. It is recalled that this year marks the 75th anniversary of diplomatic relations between India and Mauritius. Mauritius has received support from India in various areas such as maritime security, development partnerships, capacity building, cooperation in international forums, and bilateral technical assistance through the assignment of Indian experts.

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