Kenya: Women MPs Pledge to Champion for Gender Equality in Politics

21 December 2023

Nairobi — Women lawmakers have pledged concerted efforts in achieving the elusive two-thirds gender rule in the political landscape.

Narrating the tribulations and hurdle women face to topple men in elective positions, the Women Members of Parliament promised to set aside their political differences to champion women leadership.

The leaders were speaking during the launch of the Kenya Women Parliamentarians Association (KEWOPA) strategic plan from 2024-2027 which seeks to implement two-thirds gender across all elective and appointive positions.

"As a priority, KEWOPA will continuously champion for a strong, water tight statutory framework to give full and equal rights as espoused by the Constitution of Kenya in all aspects. Our work will benefit men and Women and the youth,"said KEWOPA Chairperson Leah Sainkare.

National Assembly Speaker Moses Wetangula pledged to support the initiatives by KEWOPA towards attainment of the elusive two-thirds gender rule expounding that's its achievement is bound to be transformative to the society.

Wetangula who was represented by Gilgil MP Martha Wangari who sits in the Speaker's Panel maintained that gender parity achievement is hinged on goodwill.

"I will say this, the issue of gender parity is all about goodwill from the President and Minority side.Its not an issue of legislation because the two third gender rule is already in the Constitution which is the Supreme Law,"Wangari noted.

The Gilgil MP who is serving her third term as a lawmaker decried that appreciation of women legislators has not been esteemed yet they impede many hurdles to clinch elective and appointive slots.

"I received the elder of the burning spear award the other day when am on my third term.I felt i should have received that award when i sponsored my first bill as a nominated Senator,"said Wangari.

Nominated Senator Veronica Maina who represented Senate Speaker Amason Kingi urged the implementation of the four year strategic plan to be aimed at gunnering for women leadership in elective seats.

"Every organisation has a strategic plan for it to look credible but immediately after the launch its shoved to the corner of the office.Thats will not be the case for KEWOPA. The plan must translate to transformation for women across the country," she said.

The strategic plan which is set to cost USD 65 is premised on political and ideological goodwill which seeks to inform the implementation of constitutional rights for the benefits of women in political leadership.

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