Tanzania: Minister Woos Investors to Exploit Opportunities

Bukoba — KAGERA: WORKS Minister Innocent Bashungwa has welcomed investors both local and foreign assuring them that they will be supported in keeping tab on the numerous opportunities available

He also assured them of an enabling environment such as proper infrastructure, adequate land for both large and medium agricultural development, livestock development and reliable electricity.

Equally, he appealed to the diaspora who hail from Kagera Region to come back and invest home.

He urged private sector to take advantage of conducive environment for doing business by constructing industries, five star hotels and others.

"The sixth phase government under President Dr Samia Suluhu Hassan has been implementing people-oriented projects and these efforts should be supported. Let me assure you that the government has a real intent to develop the country, and it has been closely working with the private sector which effectively engages in building the nation by creating employments for Tanzanians," he said.

He was speaking during a dinner gala (Ijuka Omuka) held in Bukoba Municipality on Friday evening where he featured as chief guest. The event was attended by the private sector players including some of the diaspora.

Kagera Regional Commissioner Fatma Mwassa, on the other hand, appealed for collective strategies among leaders to address challenges facing people at the grassroots level including poverty.

Equally, she urged government officials to ensure that they work as a team in implementing the Chama cha Mapinduzi (CCM) 2020-2025 election manifesto.

"Under a seven-year Strategic Plan (2023/2030) we are focusing on repositioning Kagera Region. All the players must work as team to attain our goals. It is unfortunate that Kagera Region has been lagging behind economically, ranking 25th among the 26 regions in Tanzania Mainland.

The regional GDP (2022) stands at 4.3tril/- while the income per capita for citizens stands at 1.5m/- compared to the national average of 2.6m/-. Thus, collective efforts are needed to ensure that the region moves forward. We (leaders) have the ability and capacity to make positive changes," she said.

Private sector should grab the advantages of immense opportunities in the tourism sector particularly in promoting domestic tourism. Lack of domestic tourism awareness is a gap that must be addressed," she hinted.

RC Mwassa listed projects implemented in the region including the 85 million US dollars (approx. 20bn/-) Fish Cage Farming in Bukoba DC's Rubafu Ward. About 12 Consortium Group of Companies (CGC) from the US had shown interest to invest in the project.

"We thank President Samia Suluhu Hassan for the efforts in implementing people-oriented projects. The Rubafu Bay Cage Fish Farming project is of great importance as it would open a new chapter and boost Kagera Region's economy.

The region had already received the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) certificate from the Vice-President's office (NEMC), while other requirements were in final stages," she said.

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