South Africa: Horror Six - Busiswe Just Won't Beat It!

27 December 2023

YohWhatAYear: Scrolla.Africa is counting down the heroes and horrors of 2023. At number six on the naughty list is the EFF MP and former public protector Busiswe Mkwabane.

Just when the country thought it had seen the last of Busiswe Mkwabane she reappeared in red overalls as an EFF MP.

She was impeached as public protector after blowing R159 million in legal fees defending her many reports which were struck down by the courts.

She managed to draw out her section 194 impeachment hearing in Parliament. This cost the taxpayer another R30 million but saved us from paying a R10 million bonus at the end of her seven-year term.

Her now notorious and discredited Reserve Bank report was severely criticised by the Constitutional Court for falling far short of expected standards.

The court noted that she presented multiple falsehoods, including misrepresentations made under oath.

It upheld a 15% personal cost order against her, and she has been charged with perjury.

She claimed during her impeachment hearing that one of her security guards was poisoned, only for it to be revealed that it "related to an issue of overindulgence in some food, Kentucky Fried Chicken or something".

Now she's back - and continues to demonstrate her lack of legal understanding and common sense.

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